Skills for high quality online education
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Raquel Lombardi Association offers an interactive panel to schools to celebrate Europe Day - MATÉRIA JN
Apresentação / Presentation
Objetivo do Projeto / Project objective
O objetivo deste projeto é fornecer professores e estudantes o apoio necessário para superar as dificuldades relacionadas com a escolarização online.
No final, os alunos e professores serão capazes de conduzir um processo educativo de boa qualidade no ensino à distância.
O principal objetivo é ajudar professores e alunos adquirem competências para realizar actos educativos que podem prevenir a perda de aprendizagem e melhorar os resultados escolares, mesmo nas condições de escolarização online.
– Estudantes e professores irão adquirir as competências necessárias para o ensino/aprendizagem online;
– Sensibilizar professores e alunos para o ensino online e para a necessidade de ter uma estratégia adequada, para que o conhecimento dos estudantes não seja afetado;
– Melhorar os resultados académicos como resultado de uma maior qualidade de atividades educativas online.
O objetivo final de qualquer atividade de ensino/aprendizagem é assegurar aos estudantes, a aquisição de conhecimentos e o desenvolvimento de aptidões e competências. Para alcançar este resultado, vários objetivos devem ser atingidos: os estudantes devem ser formados para desenvolver as competências digitais mais apropriadas para a educação online; professores a formar para desenvolver competências digitais para o ensino online; professores a ajudar a abrir-se ao ensino moderno com métodos de ensino, utilizando ferramentas digitais; estudantes para acumular um conjunto de competências digitais necessárias à aprendizagem, e para ajudar em situações de crise ferramentas digitais para serem facilmente utilizadas tanto online como no local; professores e estudantes para serem capazes de realizar atividades educativas online de alta qualidade.
The aim of this project is to provide teachers and students with the necessary support to overcome the difficulties related to online schooling.
In the end, students and teachers will be able to conduct a good quality educational process in distance learning.
The main goal is to help teachers and students acquire skills to carry out educational acts that can prevent learning loss and improve school results, even in the conditions of online schooling.
– Students and teachers will acquire the necessary skills for online teaching/learning;
– Raise teachers’ and students’ awareness of online teaching and the need to have an appropriate strategy so that students’ knowledge is not affected;
– Improve academic results as a result of higher quality online educational activities.
The ultimate goal of any teaching/learning activity is to ensure that students acquire knowledge and develop skills and competencies. To achieve this result, several objectives must be met: students to be trained to develop the most appropriate digital skills for online education; teachers to be trained to develop digital skills for online teaching; teachers to help open up to modern teaching methods using digital tools; students to accumulate a set of digital skills necessary for learning, and to help in crisis situations digital tools to be easily used both online and on site; teachers and students to be able to carry out high-quality online educational activities.
Vídeos promocionais / Promotional videos
Lançamento / Launch
O lançamento local do projeto teve lugar online, na presença dos representantes dos parceiros associados: Mrs. General School Inspector Anișoara Boitor, Mrs. Deputy General School Inspector Monica Chiş, Mrs. School Inspector for Educational Projects Mihaela Chencian, and Mrs. Director of the Teaching Staff House, Rodica Kerekes. A reunião também contou com a presença de representantes dos meios de comunicação social.
The local launch of the project took place online, in the presence of the representatives of the associated partners: Mrs. General School Inspector Anișoara Boitor, Mrs. Deputy General School Inspector Monica Chiş, Mrs. School Inspector for Educational Projects Mihaela Chencian, and Mrs. Director of the Teaching Staff House, Rodica Kerekes. The meeting was also attended by representatives of the media.
Entrevista de Raquel Lombardi ao RTP - Madeira Viva / Raquel Lombardi's interview with RTP - Madeira Viva
Kick off meeting
The inaugural meeting of the Erasmus Skills for high quality online education project was held in Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, on February 21 and 22, in the presence of eight partners from seven candidate countries:
– Raquel Lombardi – Portugal
– Scoala Gimnaziala Ion Creanga – Romania
– Edukopro – Bosnia and Herzegovina
– Smart Idea – Slovenia
– Sky Language School – Bulgaria
– Better Future – Slovenia
– Adnan Menderes Ortaokulu – Turkey
– Escola Gavà Mar Institute – Spain
The aim of this project is to provide teachers and students with the support they need to overcome the difficulties associated with online schooling.
Finally, students and teachers will be able to lead a quality educational process in distance learning.
The main objective is to help teachers and students acquire the skills to carry out educational activities that can prevent learning loss and improve students’ school results, even in terms of online schooling.
See the article about this meeting in JM Madeira by clicking the button below: