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Transnational Project Meetings Italy
Participants List
Portugal- 3 participants
Spain- 2 participants
Greece- 2 participants
Romania- 2 participants
Turkey – 2 participants
Italy- 3 participants (Hosting Institution)
Mobility report
During this meeting the activities proposed in the scheduled agenda were fulfilled.
Some of the decisions of the meeting were taken together:
A youtube channel of the project will be created. There all partners will upload on the play list their videos resulting from O2.
For the dissemination project all the parthners they record one video in their language for share.
The 5th December is the Deadline for delivering the Scripts
The O2 Deadline – is 28 december 2021.
The next transnational Project meeting of the project is scheduled for the following dates:
Turkey, 10 and 11 February, 2022
Crete- 5 and 6 May 2022.
O3- deadline at the end of July and the multiplyers events will be after this output 3.
Here are some photos
Contact us and learn more about this project
Transnational Project Meetings